Lizardmen Army Book 8th Edition Pdf 2013

I just purchased a large lizardmen army off ebay along with the 8th edition army book and I'm eager to start learning fantasy. However, I want the armybook on my tablet (and im super excited for my army to arrive and want to start reading the fluff now well i wait for it to ship). Does anyone have a decent pdf copy of it? I have digital versions of every book but the only lizardmen copy ive been able to find is really bad quality and only has 1/3rd of the book. I really don't want to scan every page myself just to be able to read it on my tablet. Can anyone help me out? I cant find a link to purchase it anywhere except for itunes and i don't want to pay $50 for a book ive already purchased.

If you can help me out pm me it would be greatly appreciated:) • • • • •.

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