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Monument to the of the university,, in (built in 1848) Medieval university (1349–1419) [ ] The establishment of a in was inspired. Nvidia 3dtv play activator trial reset como. He asked his friend and ally,, to do so. On 26 January 1347 the pope issued the bull establishing a university in Prague, modeled on the, with the full (4) number of, that is including. On 7 April 1348 Charles, the king of Bohemia, gave to the established university privileges and immunities from the secular power in a and on 14 January 1349 he repeated that as the. Most sources since the 19th century—encyclopedias, general histories, materials of the University itself—prefer to give 1348 as the year of the founding of the university, rather than 1347 or 1349. This was caused by an anticlerical shift in the 19th century, shared by both Czechs.

Teacher and students shown in a medieval manuscript from Bohemia The university was opened in 1349. The university was sectioned into parts called: the,, Polish. The Bohemian natio included Bohemians, Moravians, southern Slavs, and Hungarians; the Bavarian included Austrians,, natives of and of the; the Polish included, Poles, Ruthenians; the Saxon included inhabitants of the,, Upper and Lower Saxony, Denmark, and Sweden. Ethnically Czech students made 16–20% of all students. Archbishop took an active part in the foundation by obliging the clergy to contribute and became a of the university (i.e., director or manager).

The first graduate was promoted in 1359. The lectures were held in the colleges, of which the oldest was named for the king the Carolinum, established in 1366. In 1372 the became an independent university. In 1402 in copied out the Dialogus and Trialogus of. The dean of the philosophical faculty,, translated Trialogus into the. In 1403 the university forbade its members to follow the teachings of Wycliffe, but his doctrine continued to gain in popularity.

In the, the Bohemian natio took the side of king and supported the (1409). The other nationes of the university declared their support for the side of, thus the vote was 1:3 against the Bohemians. Hus and other Bohemians, though, took advantage of Wenceslaus' opposition to Gregory. By the (: Kuttenberg) on 18 January 1409, the king subverted the university constitution by granting the Bohemian masters three votes. Only a single vote was left for all other three nationes combined, compared to one vote per each natio before. The result of this coup was the emigration of foreign (mostly German) professors and students, founding the in May 1409. Before that, in 1408, the university had about 200 doctors and magisters, 500 bachelors, and 30,000 students; it now lost a large part of this number, accounts of the loss varying from 5000 to 20,000 including 46 professors.

In the autumn of 1409, Hus was elected rector of the now Czech-dominated rump university. Thus, the Prague university lost the largest part of its students and faculty. From then on the university declined to a merely regional institution with a very low status. Soon, in 1419, the faculties of theology and law disappeared, and only the remained in existence. Protestant academy (1419–1622) [ ].